'Dominican' is most popular in New York, where almost half of the entire Dominican population in the US lives. 'Cowboy' is most popular in Montana, where cowboy culture is alive and well. For instance, 'Mormon' is the most popular term in Utah and Idaho, where more Mormons live. But what's truly shocking are each state's most popular relative search terms, those that are disproportionately popular in certain areas of the country. It's well known that more gay porn is viewed in the South than anywhere else in the US, something this year's findings backed up yet again-Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia came in at numbers one, three and and four for states with most pageviews of Pornhub's gay content. And a variety of other conclusions mined from the site's trove of user data may have you rethinking what you know about what gets gay dudes titillated. According to Pornhub, in data exclusive to VICE, this year's most popular categories for gay content across the country are 'black' and 'straight guys.' That's the same as it was last year. These insights are gleaned from, appropriately enough, the latest, gayest edition of Pornhub Insights, a regularly-released collection of data from the online porn juggernaut.
So why is black gay porn one of the most viewed categories on Pornhub, America's most popular porn emporium (empornium)? And why is it that, across the country, most guys are seeking out anything but your standard twink?